
Showing posts from 2017

The Truth Is....

I would love to give you the idea that I’m sat here with a glass of red wine, squealing inside that I’m finally sitting down to writing my first blog, and me and my husband have brainstormed amazing ideas to share with the world. The truth is, nope to each one, and secondly, my blogging is about the nitty, gritty, messy, awful, infuriating, depressing reality we endure daily as a family. I’m finally sat down yes, but after having a horrendous hour with my 6-year old, floods of tears from both of us, things thrown, horrid words spat, no love given. My husband and I had short, snappy words as I’m now too tired and feeling miserable since yet another all too familiar hellish episode with my daughter, and he’s walked out to commence a night shift at work. The truth is, I have no idea how to write a blog, or exactly how to catch anyone’s attention. Not entirely sure where to start as there is just so much to say, but I do know that my goals are clear. I’ve always wanted